1.The Summer is Gone——八月,是七月流火(**《八月》影评)

2.英文**中的单词,短语,以及影评 (请输入英文,带翻译)


4.肖申克的救赎 影评,英文,200字

5.求忠犬八公的故事影评 要用英文写 用高一的单词或者初中的


7.哈利波特的英文影评60个单词初一水平 很急.哪位好心人帮帮.thank you



The Review of Breheart

I am deeply impressed by William Wallace’s courage and the efforts that the Scottish created to resume soverienty.It reminds me of my dream.Dream,whatever it is,really should be pursued heart and soul.Compared to Wallace,I am so lazy and passive.I watched it,giving free outlet to my thoughts and tears.

There are two scenes over which I really feel melancholy.The initial is when Meilun is buried. The same point hened when Wallace was yong,weeping at the death of his father.Tiny Meilun sent him a purple thistle .to console his sorrow.Even so,Meilun is dead now,no a single would send him a purple thist any much more.He has only himself in this world following losing the two persons he loves most.The second one particular is the very first war against England in the battlefield.,in which they were much weaker in regard to weapons and numbers.Confronted with immense difficulties,they had been not afaid,thinking we would drop.Instead,they fighted brely and confidently.

Life will not usually be what we want. Wallace’s father died when he was a small boy.He did not want this tragedy transpire but it did take place,so he had to accept it;when his uncle came and would part him with his hometown,he obeyed with reluctance;moreover,his heart was broken facing the death of Meilan,but he had to accept it and be strong.Adversity leads to prosperity on situation that we can turn sorrow into strength.

Much as what is stated above,courage alone won’t guarantee success.Wallace’s uncle informed him :”you he to find out to use your thoughts,then weapons.”Being flexiable and conscious is even more critical,that is to say ,you know how to oain your goal prior to you take actions.Additionally,it is worth notifying that pals are also extremely important in the pursue of dream.A life devoid of a pal is a life with out a sun.Wallace has Hamiss,who accompanied him to the end.


The Summer is Gone——八月,是七月流火(**《八月》影评)

Melanie is a top-notch senior and aspiring lawyer, who successfully defends the Big Bad Wolf against Three Little Piggy plaintiffs in a mock trial at school. She can't wait for the good-time rite of passage she has truly earned: a girls-only road trip to check out prospective colleges. Nothing could spoil it —— except daddy dearest.

That would be Martin Lawrence, a suburban Chicago police chief and doting father who insists on escorting Ren-Symone and crashing the "College Road Trip" of her dreams.

In this G-rated family comedy from Disney, the Chief's most compelling criterion for his precious baby's college is minimal distance from home. Northwestern, just 40 miles away, would be perfect in his opinion.

Georgetown would be perfect in hers. The deal is, they'll visit both places, with a stop at Grandma's in Pittsburgh inbetween. But the Chief is accident-prone, not to mention slapstick-prone, so things don't go as planned.

For one thing, her genius kid brother (Eshaya Draper) and his genius pet pig Albert (as in Einstein) he stowed away in the trunk. Melanie's excess baggage thus includes not only her dad but her bro and a porker.

The Chief hates Albert ("He keeps eyeing me!"), but the pig knows how to play chess and work a Rubik's cube. He is at his best, during the trip, when high-wired on caffeine, wreaking hoc at an ethnic wedding and otherwise contributing to the mobile misadventures.

This is, after all, a quasi-road comedy —— shades of "RV" and "Wild Hogs." One would not call the humor sophisticated. Director Roger Kumble and his scriptwriters he Lawrence hiding under a sorority-house bed and doing some impromptu skydiving with Ren. People get tasered a lot —— tasering, the new hilarity.

But at least Lawrence plays a relatively normal, semi-believable guy here, as opposed to the bulk of his bad boys and Big Mommas of the past.

Ren, for her part, doesn't remotely resemble a high school girl, but she does a mean "Double Dutch Bus" and she's —— well, "So Ren," constantly screaming with her constantly screaming girlfriends.

Look for a nice cameo by Sopranos' gangster Joseph Gannascoli as the father of the ill-fated bride who sings "It Had to Be You" at the ill-fated wedding.

Best of all, in a completely ridiculous way, is Donny Osmond as a Good Samaritan who assists our heroes on the road. Donny and his equally unbearable daughter do nonstop karaoke duets from Broadway shows ("King & I" is a forite)。 When Lawrence offers him some gas money, Donny replies: "We charge hugs in this family!"

So it has its moments, it's nicely color-blind, and it's moral —— when the syrupy music and synthetic tears kick in —— is no hokier than usual: To thine own self be true.

Judging by the preview audience, "College Road" is a tweeners' delight (dozens were turned away) and a likely hit. A G-rated college film seems odd. But at least it takes us to two real places (Northwestern and Georgetown) —— though not the third one we wish for. If that house and neighborhood ("31 Oakdale") are Pittsburgh, I'm Ozzie and you're Harriet.

Lucky for the Chief that he didn't really live or work in Allegheny County. Taking his daughter cross-country to scout colleges in an official vehicle with "Police Dept." emblazoned on it? He'd face —— and deserve —— more charges than poor Cyril

英文**中的单词,短语,以及影评 (请输入英文,带翻译)


但“八月”二字出现的时候,**的英文翻译便给了我一个极大的震撼,The summer is gone,不是简单直接的August,而是婉转的表达——夏天走了。那一刻我意识到它可能是跟我往常所看的文艺片是不一样的,并不只适用于无聊的消遣,于是决定认真观摩解读,好好写一篇影评。








坐在田间小雷和父亲面对面吃东西。小雷没头没脑的冒出一句:“爸我不去三中了。”小雷不知道他这一句话并不能挽回什么局面。也许是母亲一句“你这一分是我和你爸一个月的工资呢”触动了他,于是小孩子单纯的以为自己该懂些事,作出了自己极大的的牺牲,可现实多无奈啊。父亲拍了拍小雷的头。回家的路上楼上的老头又像**开场时唱“天下兴亡多少事 茫茫我神州”。是的,歌还是这首歌,可多少事变了。但小雷小小年纪,需要懂天下兴亡吗?他都不懂得父母亲戚为他的付出,他甚至不知道爸爸快要离开家了。



临行前夜,父亲拿着那根“像三哥一样帅气的”皮带走到房间看看儿子,叹一口气离开。我想起自己离家的前一晚,也会失眠。第二天清早,父母提着行李,牵着睡眼惺忪的小雷一路小跑赶大巴车。整个场景文艺又现实,大巴车催人快走,离开得很迅速,小雷没有像一般的**里演的那样追着车跑,只是蹙眉看着远方,像失去了什么一样,一丝空洞一分茫然一副似懂非懂的样子。似乎年少时我也经历过这一幕,眼神和小雷是一样的。父亲没有挥手示意离别,甚至来不及转头再向窗外看一眼,车没有等人好好说再见。可在车上听到“就在那个下雨的星期天 我送你离开故乡……你在他乡还好吗 是否想过靠我的双肩”这首歌时,他流泪了。





玛格丽特·米歇尔那本著名的《飘》,英文书名是《Gone with wind》,随风而去;《八月》翻译成The summer is gone,夏天走了。某方面,**与书是一样的,所记录过都是逝去的生活。No matter how,our life is gone.

The Summer is Gone——八月,是七月流火。




泰坦尼克:All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。


肖申克的救赎 影评,英文,200字

Education should he four hearts, determination, perseverance, confidence, common heart after watching the film, I also read a lot about this film critic. It should be said that it is the classical classic, re reviews, but also some criticism, such as the plot, old-fashioned, no suspense story lacks reality basis. But, I think a nutritious film, not its story, it is not that there is no real basis, but it can not let people think, to realize! After watching this movie, I still he feeling, here I will talk about a little reflection on me:

The first is determination, in which there is a goal or a direction, and we must strive for it. At the beginning, just in order to repay mother Malik Helen before returning to school teaching. She did not make a decision to teach a good student, so she decided to go back to Las Vegas to continue her work as a singer when she was a hoax. Of course, things he come to a "beautiful" accident here, that is, the sister of the unexpected discovery of the bishop of the general bishop of the last semester to close the school of st.. This makes the sense of justice, she decided to stay, as she can help these need to help the students and nuns. Careful student is not difficult to find, when she decided to stay, she began to really carry out the rectification of the classroom. Wearing a hat and glasses, no! Look at the magazine! Class look in the mirror! "" if the student has to lee her class she was unmoved, which allows students to see her resolve.

Second is perseverance, in the process of hard work is bound to encounter some difficulties, but this is life, if you can not overcome these difficulties, we can not make progress and success. When the children decided to go to the Quanzhou music competition, leing the nuns there are many difficulties, the president of the opposition, the parents do not agree, raising funds and so on. These difficulties are very easy to give up the enthusiasm of people and to kill people's morale, but they he not been defeated by these difficulties. Still try to solve. This spirit is worth our study.

And then confidence, and finally to the target may be worse than a little bit, but must not lose confidence. Glenn when three consecutive high school also sang for their songs, but also sing very good momentum, the students obviously lost confidence in playing drums, they made clear to go back, do not want to live in. Then McClaren nun said "this is your style, a new situation is encountered a terrible It's politic to lee., if it was to escape, escape all of you for a lifetime." This is the teacher of the king dared for just perfect.

Finally is the ordinary heart, no matter how, must be treated with the usual heart. At the end of the stage, the sister of the mother's sister let the students take off their robes and let them take the stage. In fact, she did not only relax the mood of the students can let the children play on the stage to play their own, and let them different from other groups. Four words: surprise.

求忠犬八公的故事影评 要用英文写 用高一的单词或者初中的

When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to."Hope is dangerous" Red had ever said,But Andy has always sticked to it.He didn’t cry when he was thrown into prison though he was innocent. On contrary, he found ways to kill long time to escape. He helped the head of the prison do the illegal things in order to gain some freedom. He rebuilt a library and helped the other prisoners. All the prisoners liked him, for he helped them find hope again. Perhaps it was time to escape, in a lightening and thundering night, he escaped from the prison through the hole he had dug for twenty years . He was free eventually .

I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.


Parke is a university professor, a day he to pass by at the train station, encountered a lost Akita dog, it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate, so the professor put the dog back home, even though his wife urged against the. But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife, the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog, and named" s". In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work, Parke will accompany Parke to the train station, the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back. Unfortunately, Parke suddenly died of a heart attack, but it 's still believe that the master will come back, and so every time in the same place to wait, year after year, regardless of seasons, for ten years, until in a cold winter, a dream of a dream of hiness and the master come back to die ... ...

哈利波特的英文影评60个单词初一水平 很急.哪位好心人帮帮.thank you

The movie《The Pursuit of Hyness》is a story about a father never give up and succeed in the end.

In the movie the father told his son that if you he a dream you should protect it and never give it up.It impressed me a lot.No matter how hard the life was,the father never lee his son,his family or his brief behind.Even they had to spend the night living in the park or the public toilet.The movie taught me a lot such as the sprit of never give up and insist.

After watching it i learned that catch every chance what i meet and be activly to the life.And god will never miss us or give us up.


Pure Magic

This movie is a delight for those of all ages.

I he seen it several times and each time I am enchanted by the characters and magic.

The cast is outstanding,the special effects delightful,everything most believable.

You he young Harry,a mistreated youth who is "Just Harry" to himself.And then,he embarks on a most beautiful adventure to the Hogwarts school.

He meets Ron and Hermione,one an adorable mischief maker,the other a very tense and studious young lady.

Together,the trio try to set things right in the school.

It's the ultimate fantasy for young and old.


X档案一直是受欢迎的电视连续剧,自19年1 1993.in**的基础上,一系列来到out.the**是所谓的X档案:争取未来和导演是抢bowman.in**,为FBL代理商福克斯穆德(大卫杜楚尼)和德纳纽(吉利安安德森)仍在试图找到证据表明,外国人exist.at开始**建筑物的轰炸和两名特工人员近die.later ,他们发现的尸体,一些死亡的外国人被埋葬在地下室的这building.naturally ,穆德和纽想要找出更多有关这些aliens.so ,他们周游世界,并有很多危险的行动,包装adventures.in最终,他们找到外国人'飞船在北pole.unfortunately ,档案away.so之谜是不解决。

