


4.英语**影评 (哈利波特、功夫熊猫类似的**)





《Harry Potter》 tells a story about the hero, Harry's struggle against the dark wizards led by Lord Voldemort . Harry and Voldemort are the enemies of fate. Harry's Parents were killed by Voldemort when Harry was born, but Harry miraculously survived!


While Voldemort, who wanted to kill him, lost his life and magic. After that, Harry went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when he was eleven years old. 


There, he met many friends like Ron and Hermione. He also learnt a lot and grew up as an excellent wizard. Unluckily, Lord Voldemort returned. But Harry was bre, he undermined Voldemort's plan again and again with the help of friends and teachers.?


When Harry was in the Grade 7, Voldemort attacked his school. Lord Voldemort required to he a duel with Harry. He wanted kill Harry.?


However , Harry had grown up, and he had something Voldemort didn’t he——friends and love. Justice will always prevail. Harry won the duel at last. He is a real hero.



Movie review: 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1'

Much of the plot of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" involves the attempt to find and destroy a series of Horcruxes, and if you hen't a clue about what they are or why they're important, you might as well stay home.

There is something different, however, about this Potter movie, and that is the words "Part 1" that end the title. Understandably distraught about "Hallows" being the last of the phenomenally popular J.K. Rowling novels, Warner Bros. has split the final effort into two films and is likely kicking itself for not hing thought of that with the earlier books.

You don't make $5.7 billion in theatrical revenue, however, by being calier about your source material and the watchword for the "Potter" series in general, and this film in particular, is making the audience feel like it's in safe hands.

Though adventurous filmmakers like Alfonso Cuarón he made "Potter" films, Did Yates, who directed the two previous epics as well as both installments of "Deathly Hallows," is not one of them.

Capable and dependable, he can be counted on to make solid albeit unsurprising films that believe in connecting the dots rather than creating risky excitement. When studio president Alan Horn said his priority for the series was treating the books "respectfully," he wasn't kidding.

Being respectful also means making sure you he quality people behind the camera (Steve Kloves has written almost all the screenplays and the new cinematographer is Oscar-nominated "Girl With a Pearl Earring" veteran Eduardo Serra) as well as top acting talent in front of it. Even if you don't always he enough for them to do.

In fact, the Potter films are so loaded down with the best of British performers that Bill Nighy, who was added to the cast this time along with Rhys Ifans, wasn't really kidding when he commented, "For a while, I thought I would be the only English actor of a certain age who wasn't in a 'Harry Potter' film."哈利波特的 你删删改改就行了


The Harry Potter series is one of the most faithful I he ever seen, and each film brings something new. Whenever a new film comes out, there is always a certain criticism that a book fan will mention because of certain information or details left out of the film adaptation. Being the final book in the famous wizard series, this would always be the hardest book to adapt, so I was very relieved when it was announced that it would be split into two parts. Some might see this as an attempt to cash in money, but I honestly do not believe it was for that reason. The filmmakers care about this story, and being the finale, they care about adding in character development before the big action-packed finale. So after seeing Part 1, I he the obligation not just to judge it as a film adaptation but also as a film.

The opening of the film is perfect for the type of tone it is trying to set. Showing us each of the home lives of the three leads and just how difficult the future will be is a hard fact to behold. The action scenes in the film are pretty impressive, but not overly done and they do not take you out of the real story. Did Yates and Steve Kloves he set Part 1 as a character film with action in it, not the other way around. And so it is with the rest of the film. Last Year's Half-Blood Prince proved to me that Yates was the best director that this series ever had. He understands mood and the challenges that the three leads are going through. Part 1 is able to capitalize on that.

Each new Harry Potter film is deemed as 'darker' than the previous, and that may be true, but it is not just about how sinister things on screen ear to be. The magical world is at a time where danger lurks around everywhere. We certainly are able to see this on screen, but the real power and the real confrontation as to just how dangerous the world is right now is brought by the quiet moments in the film. Many he said that the middle section of the film, when the three leads begin their camp out, is what weakens the pace. I was surprised by how much this was not true when I watched it. If anything, this section is much needed. It is also powerful because the three leads are able to hold their own very well. Over the years, they he matured and grown as actors, and at this point no one else could do what they are doing. There are certain scenes in the film that, while definitely sule, are completely powerful and strengthen the characters and express the way they are feeling in a sense of loss. An example is the dance scene between Harry and Hermione, which I thought was perfectly acted by both, especially Watson.

Emma Watson has been the most inconsistent throughout the series. She was good as a little kid in the first two, good as a growing in the 3rd film, over-dramatic in Goblet of Fire, OK in Order of the Phoenix, and it wasn't until Half-Blood Prince when you could see she was really starting to shine. Well, here she does. While Radcliffe and Grint are very good, there is something electrifying about Watson. People he red a lot about her performance, and while at times one is cautious not to overpraise a performance, she deserves it. She does not he scenes where in script it would seem as if she has to do something incredible. This is what makes her stand-out in this film. Starting from her first scene in the film, in a very sad and tragic scene in her home, we see her pain and her sadness over to what she has to do. She only has two words that she speaks in this scene, but her facial expressions say it all. She conveys the same powerful sule expressions throughout the film. There is also another scene involving her and Helena Bonham Carter that she has been praised about, and this was a disointment. Not that Watson wasn't great, because she certainly was, much more than what was probably required from her, but the scene only lingered on her for short seconds and then it cut away. We could hear Watson's incredible suffering, but I just wish it could he lingered more on her, to feel even more of what she and others like her really he to go through. Watson is incredibly effective and sule in this film, and for the first time, she ge the best performance in a Harry Potter film, a feat that none of the three leads he ever achieved.

A real stand-out of the last HP film, Half Blood Prince, was the cinematography, and while I am not sure whether Part 1 was better shot than that one, it was still pretty impressive. Of course, that is no surprise. The music score also stood-out for me. While it is true that it is not as loud, or even as recurring, as the scores of the last Harry Potter films as in it is not present in a lot of the film, it was still effective. I really hope it gets some nominations. Ultimately, the film was everything I could hope for, and not any major flaws really eared. The ending I also thought was a good way to end Part 1, contrary to the opinions of most. This was a very effective, carefully paced, and superb beginning to the end.


Harry Potter is a very good movie,but I still found a person I dislike in it——Albus Dumbledore.

Yes, I dislike Albus Dumbledore——the man who always says"for greater profits". For prifit, for the profit of the whole wizart community, so he can sacrifice a chessman he doesn't need any more when necessary? First his sister——Ariana Dumbledore, even Harry Potter, the supposed sior of the world, had almost died for it! Although in the last minute of his life, he abandoned himself too......For the profit of the wizard community, he put in himself in the last. Maybe the biggest faulty expression in Voldemort's life is not seeing this part.

Maybe Dumbledore always didn't really like muggles because of his family,but he protected muggle-borns, because it's necerssery——for the development of the wizart community. He might secretly support to build a community that Geller whanted to build in his heart, but he opposed Geller, because he knew, the new regime will not benifit the people. And the way to make that aim come true can't be right, the disadvantage will be far greater than keeping the old system——for the peace of the wizart community.

Dumledore is a realism person, a realism man who is way too resonable and smart.

I forgot which person said——"Where there is war there is sacrifice, but the victory will never belong to Harry Potter." Yes,Where there is war there is sacrifice, but the victory will never belong to Harry Potter......

英语**影评 (哈利波特、功夫熊猫类似的**)


Actors, fine arts, special effects, soundtrack, are still excellent, but I can't restrain my disdain for screenwriters. The place that should be explained carefully is taken with a brush, and the place that should be done in a hurry is tedious.


In addition, the director does not he strong narrative skills, that is to say, a good one, the story is first changed to be rotten, and then it is shot by people without thinking. Naturally, it is difficult for people to understand and enjoy it.


The final part of the final showdown is a series of failures. Dumbledore asked Phoenix to bring Harry the Academy hat, and Voldemort scoffed at it.


In the original work, it is written that Harry grabs his hat on his head, prays silently with his eyes closed, and asks his hat to help him when his life is at stake and there is nothing he can do.


At this time, something hit him on the head, it is the sword of Gryffindor, and then there is the plot of Harry using the sword to defeat the giant snake.


In order to find the last Horcrux and destroy it, Harry and his gang return to school. Voldemort also begins to attack the school. The final battle between Harry and Voldemort is doomed to end with Harry's victory.


This week I he seen the film A LIENS IN THE ATTIC. I think it’s an interesting film and it tells about the aliens. The main heroes are Tom and Jack. One day, Tom’s family went on holiday together and they lived in a special house, because aliens landed the attic of the house. Then aliens were preparing to conquer the world and they used a gadget to control grow ups, but they couldn’t use it to control the kids. However, it was hard to fight with the kids, and aliens were defeated by kids in the end.

I like this film because it looks like a little dream to me. When I was a little child, I wanted to be a e and protected our world. I also dream to make friends with aliens, they like me and I like them, we can be families. As you know, there is the One Child Policy in China, when I was a child, we felt lonely sometimes when I stayed at home alone, although I could also talk with my friends, my friends couldn’t accompany me all the time, so I often dreamed to he alien friends, they could understand me a lot, give me great encouragement and comfort when I needed them, and they could be a good audience to listen the stories I talk with them at that time. Now, I grow up, I he to face the reality, I must deal with something by myself, I forget my little dream gradually.





为什么有人会觉得罗恩沦为配角呢?首先,他本来就是配角,但是个可爱的重要的配角。我相当满意本片对罗恩的关注,很含蓄但从不冷落他。他有时还是那么迷糊,可他的台词充满幽默。更可贵的是,导演抓住了罗恩性格中最可爱的一点,他很放松,很谦虚,他给人安全感。赫敏冲上去要对马尔福施咒语,罗恩在后面说:不要,那不值得。而赫敏就听了他的话。非常棒! 再说,他哪里丑了?他不上照,可**里他的表演,他动起来的时候,就只有可爱,不觉得丑。双胞胎也不丑。罗恩真正沦为跑龙套是在密室那一集,他的精彩台词都被赫敏说去了。

嗯,总是要说说哈利的。这小伙子越长越英俊,是不是要抢Olando Bloom的全球头号花痴对象的头衔啊? 真的,他的英气从银幕上弥漫到了观众席。汗,这是我想起哈利时最先想到的。大汗,我可以做他的阿姨……好吧,言归正传,丹尼儿演得很不错。这一集没有前两集那么乖,所以就没有那么闷,所以就比较有趣,比较更可爱一点。感觉他已经很习惯做哈利波特,比较放得开,敢怒敢笑。剧情完全围绕他展开,其他的枝节被大刀阔斧地删掉了。我已经在IMDB上看到有人把原著中被砍掉的细节列出来并抱怨着。傻。我没啥好抱怨的,书是书,**是**,看一场好**是我们走进**院时唯一的要求。





Last week,l saw a flim named Harry Potter .It's a story about a boy called Harry Potter.He was a witch.he had lessons in a magic school.the name of his school is Hogwarts.Harry had a fantastic life in the school with his friends.

Their biggest enemy was Lord Voldemort.And they defeated Lord Voldemort in the end.I admire Harry and his friends' courage after I saw the flim.I think it is a wonderful flim.I like it very much.





