1.阿甘正传 的影评。英文100词左右






Batman is a dark, fun, action-packed, and almost a little creepy film, based on the comic books. The characters, the direction, and the action are all perfect!

Michael Keaton is the perfect Bruce Wayne/Batman, as is Jack Nicholson as The Joker. The rest of the cast is also very fun and bring colorful characters.

Tim Burton is also a genius director, making the setting (Gotham City) look very dark and dreadful.

阿甘正传 的影评。英文100词左右

Look for each film will always think of a poem: its winding streets, the Buddhist temple deep flowers.

Very early to know the "love." In high school one day, in front of its publicity posters, only one, it exciting.

The screen is easy to clean,侧着脸of a young girl, looked up, looked at snow sky, lonely lonely, black and white.

Simple story, so it kind of simple narrative with you, and are described, and beautiful screen, money simple lines, no major conflict in the story, as the elegant cherry blossom, bloom at Memories and outlook. Let me think of the Shen Cong-wen's "Border Town", Meaningful long.

Her to accompany his mother over his Classmates to see the names of trees, as well as the tree the previous address. She knew that the place has changed dramatically, highways brutally through the trees that grow from small house.

Videos hidden cables woven dark, Hiroko Watanabe e can not forget to he the feelings of the lovers in heen delivered a love letter, the content is simple: "How do you do? I am very good!"举重若轻grief.

Things just should not he received from a letter they received a reply letter from the beginning. And the clock began to retreat, has been back to青涩youthful, somewhat intense, cubeba green ignorant fools is a tsunami.

Two people riding a motorcycle through the foothills along the quiet road and downs, he and her shoulders and across the shoulder and one-meter distance. Mind, then always do not speak, and the eyes of Yu is able to penetrate everything. Around the lees he quietly COME Down, Manshan Manshan golden boys born prank, girls naturally reserved and silent.

I he no way of knowing whether the trees and Fujii Hiroko Watanabe, who is hy. Already hy may be the absence of a definition.

Well female Teng wrote to Hiroko tree, the tree and the tree recalls memories of him and her.

He pockets trap her head, he blankly. Her mistake him get papers to come back after she found the back of exposure to draw a woman, her face flushed. Him every day, go library, stand in front of windows, the sun above him clean as those of the cloud of silence. She helped him to introduce his girlfriend, his cool with one face ignore. . . .

Fujii memories are of the required trees, while Hiroko Watanabe, she required, but are forgotten. Can not forget because she chose to love heen delivery; care because her jealous boyfriend put themselves as the shadow of another person; because they are difficult to be unruffled by emotion, she always can not accept another friend's love. She wrote a love letter, there is no posting to heen, halfway牵扯出荡气回肠another love, but love Hiroko's still not find a way out, her love still not arrive in the hands of her boyfriend, so her last boyfriend would go mountain climbing the location of the accident, in the midst of snow between the mountains, in the snow, at sunrise, she had to their lives the most important men shouting: "How do you do? I am very good!" over and over again. . . Simple greetings, it is in liver and gallbladder are broken. . . .

死得其所male protagonist, cherish the memory of two women were in the lives of the most gorgeous Department halted.

Finally put the tree Hiroko Her letter also addressed to all the mail also has to her. She said: These memories, in fact, are you, my belt does not go.

At the end of the film, are a group of female secondary school students go tell Fujii tree "Remembrance of Things Past" in secret, site Fujii lifelike sketch sideways tree, passion, hidden in the deepest corner of the world, also as Fujii tree hidden in the depths of the soul the most. Fujii tree does not speak, hands揩揩eyes, and stubborn to not shed tears. At this point cloudless blue sky, colorful lees.


The film shows kindness, warmth, touched the best things in the hearts of the audience.

The show is honest, trustworthy, serious, bre, hey feelings and other beautiful emotions.

Forrest Gump in the film is molded into the incarnation of virtue, honest, trustworthy, serious, bre and pay attention to feelings.

He only knows how to pay people without asking for return, and never mind others' rejection. He is just open-minded and magnanimous in facing life.

He concentrated what little wisdom, faith, and courage he had, and he ran along the road with no regard for anything but instinct.

















侏罗纪公园3英文影评Jurassic Park III

"Jurassic Park III"is neither as dreadful as it might be, nor as perfectly wrought as it could be.For one thing, it moves along as jauntily as one of those horrific raptors scootingalong the plain; the movie wraps itself up so quickly, and after such arelatively low-key climax, that you can barely believe it's over. It runs about90 minutes, and that's sweet relief. You can get your fix of dino effects (mostof which are starting to look pretty familiar anyway, after the original"Jurassic Park" and "The Lost World: Jurassic Park"), witha few good jokes and interesting performances thrown in, and be on your way.

One ofthe best things about "Jurassic Park III" is that it brings back SamNeill, who starred in the original, and he's a distinctly human and humanepresence. As the movie opens, we see Neill's adventuresome paleontologist, Dr.Alan Grant, playing with the toddler of his former collaborator Dr. EllieSatler (Laura Dern, in a nicely played cameo), who has settled down with anearnest, unexciting husband and is quietly raising their two kids. Neill playsthe scene beautifully: He's half puzzled by the idea that anybody would want tosettle down to a life like this, and half wistfully jealous that it's just notfor him.

He hasno desire to see any more live dinosaurs up close and personal. Nonetheless, heand his young assistant Billy (Alessandro Nivola) are reluctantly roped into anadventure expedition to Isla Sorna (the "Site II" from "The LostWorld," where the prehistoric horrors were bred in a flagrant expressionof human arrogance), by Amanda and Paul Kirby (Téa Leoni and William H. Macy),a rich couple hankering for danger.

Even so, Payne, Buchman andTaylor give us plenty of little things to laugh at along the way: Dr. Grant andEric he a pleasingly tossed-off exchange as Grant incredulously holds up abottle of T. Rex pee that Eric has collected. "How did you get this?"he demands. "You don't wanna know," Eric deadpans ruefully. There area few moments in the picture that are streaked with a sense of terror, sceneswhere you think the absolute worst is going to hen. But it never quite does.There's a surprisingly delicate touch at work in "Jurassic Park III,"and the movie is marbled through with strands of acerbic wit. You might thinkthat a filmmaker's going to that much trouble in a "Jurassic Park"picture is like casting pearls before swine. What chance do pearls he underthe feet of prehistoric giants? Miraculously, they survive the tramplingintact, and they're what you remember long after the last mighty footstepresonates.


"The Hulk" does most of the little things well and too many of the big things poorly.The biggest thing in the movie is the title character, who resembles nothing so much as Frankenstein's monster on a year's worth of steroids. In the end, you he to find a way to take this big green computer-generated palooka seriously. And in the end, you can't.I tried. And for a long time, the movie made me believe I could. The psychological basis of "The Hulk" is obvious -- our inner monster, the rage we hold within us -- and director Ang Lee and screenwriter James Schamus (who wrote "The Hulk" with John Turman and Michael France) specialize in stories about repressed emotion. The movie devotes more than enough time to character development. It treats scientists and their work respectfully. The movie also remains true to its Marvel Comics origins.You would expect the humanity of the characters ultimately to burst forth like Bruce Banner (Australian actor Eric Bana) turning into the Hulk, his anger reaching the boiling point until his body turns green and explodes out of his clothes.The closest you get is Banner's colleague and former girlfriend, Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly), defrosting just long enough to sob audibly after a Hulk rampage that doesn't end until he sees her and calms down like a suddenly tranquilized Rottweiler. Otherwise, these are not exactly demonstrative people -- and that never really changes, when it seems obvious that it must.On the other extreme, there's Banner's father, Did (Nick Nolte), who spends much of the movie either talking in the mono-tone of a lunatic trying to control himself or else ring like a man who has run out of scenery to chew.He is responsible for Bruce's "condition" -- Did conducted a genetic experiment on himself that was passed on to his son, who also became a scientist. An accidental exposure to a lethal dose of gamma rays activates the anomaly within, which turns Bruce into the Hulk when he gets angry.For all the time spent on childhood traumas and harmful fathers and the dangers of technology and various forms of megalomania and our penchant for violence, for every moment in which I imagined the movie heading in the direction of "King Kong" or "Beauty and the Beast," it all ends up with seemingly invulnerable computer-generated creatures battling each other to the death on an otherworldly landscape. Where, exactly, is the humanity in that?The best comic-book movies -- "Spider-Man" and the two "X-Men" films -- work precisely because the heroes' super powers are extensions of their humanity and therefore comment upon our own. We never forget the real identities and real problems of these characters.But the Hulk isn't an extension of Bruce Banner so much as an alter ego, a split personality. Bruce is played by a human being. The Hulk is a figment of a computer's imagination.Frankly, he looks better on screen than I expected from the movie's trailer, which made the movie look cheesier than Velveeta. But the computer graphics are very uneven. The fakery is evident in some of the scenes showing the Hulk tossing around furniture, cars, tanks -- whatever's handy.In a scene featuring a fight with some genetically enhanced dogs, some of the mutts look more funny than scary. And when we get to see the Hulk transform back into Bruce Banner, he seems to be melting like the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz."It's all the more disointing because Lee does a remarkable job using split-screen techniques (evoking not only the panels of a comics page but also suggesting the split personality of his hero), fluid montages and visual shorthand to get through an unusually large amount of exposition -- wordlessly in many scenes.He almost achieves a haunting quality in the flashbacks and dream sequences that go back to Banner's childhood on a military base in a desert that symbolizes the emotional austerity of the characters. The psychological content, the deliberate pace and the intensity of some of the violence should give parents pause -- this is not a movie for young children.Still, you may he to resist the urge to giggle like a kid in scenes such as the one where the Hulk, pursued by military planes, catches a missile in midair, chews off the tip and throws it back at an aircraft, which falls clattering to the ground like a toy.Like the title character, "The Hulk" has a split personality of its own.


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