




6.求经典美国**影评,最好是英文版的,中文也行,一个**最好有多个影评 发776900490,非常感谢了


Identity has the wild unpredictability of the essential horror film, set at a timeworn motel in the middle of nowhere. The only guests he only stopped there because of the same freak accident. Alas, it falls through every cliché trapdoor on the blueprint, entirely preventable ones, too, ones that won't open unless you consciously open them, and its wild unpredictability is relegated to merely an offshoot of its absurdity. We still he fun, and, yes, it is still eerie sometimes, but it too much wants to be our friend. It has a star-studded cast of actors we love, the way it gets to its mindblow twist is through a ridiculous and completely oidable contrivance in dialogue and moreover, the score is too often superfluous, signaling what we are supposed to feel, and as a consequence we don't he to feel it if we don't want to. The film would he been much more effective, far-fetched points and all, if the tension were allowed to grow genuinely rather than be explained by the underscoring.

It has been too long since we've seen the unbelievably y Rebecca DeMornay in a mainstream film. Had her performance in The Hand That Rocks the Cradle not been a wake- up call for filmmakers, the very kind that like to makes movies like this? Ray Liotta can by now play this kind of role in his sleep. Alfred Molina is hardly a part of the action and does not get to he the kind of fun as he does with so many other roles, but that is no matter for us simply to joy in seeing him. There is also the character actor John C. McGinley in a high- strung dramatic role, hing never before been boring anyway. So this seemingly ambitious psychological thriller has star power which results in our immediate enjoyment instead of our deep involvement.

Yes, we are truly wondering how this and that could possibly hen, or who could possibly be responsible, and if so, how? Its script is one step away from being ludicrous with cheap pseudo-impressive buy-offs, but depending on the audience, one could either take the bait and be wowed or laugh out loud at its final unreling, which is what I did. Basically, you can see that the certitude lies in the hands of a skillful enough director, and, with a world of better direction than James Mangold's, this could he been a lot better.


Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> He got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston ? novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. He abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , he added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undouedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .

Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , bre paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behe with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, hing even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and he no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film lication of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

Tom ? Hanks very much sincere naturally performance hing among film. He has oained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he oained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .


阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!





"The Hulk" does most of the little things well and too many of the big things poorly.The biggest thing in the movie is the title character, who resembles nothing so much as Frankenstein's monster on a year's worth of steroids. In the end, you he to find a way to take this big green computer-generated palooka seriously. And in the end, you can't.I tried. And for a long time, the movie made me believe I could. The psychological basis of "The Hulk" is obvious -- our inner monster, the rage we hold within us -- and director Ang Lee and screenwriter James Schamus (who wrote "The Hulk" with John Turman and Michael France) specialize in stories about repressed emotion. The movie devotes more than enough time to character development. It treats scientists and their work respectfully. The movie also remains true to its Marvel Comics origins.You would expect the humanity of the characters ultimately to burst forth like Bruce Banner (Australian actor Eric Bana) turning into the Hulk, his anger reaching the boiling point until his body turns green and explodes out of his clothes.The closest you get is Banner's colleague and former girlfriend, Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly), defrosting just long enough to sob audibly after a Hulk rampage that doesn't end until he sees her and calms down like a suddenly tranquilized Rottweiler. Otherwise, these are not exactly demonstrative people -- and that never really changes, when it seems obvious that it must.On the other extreme, there's Banner's father, Did (Nick Nolte), who spends much of the movie either talking in the mono-tone of a lunatic trying to control himself or else ring like a man who has run out of scenery to chew.He is responsible for Bruce's "condition" -- Did conducted a genetic experiment on himself that was passed on to his son, who also became a scientist. An accidental exposure to a lethal dose of gamma rays activates the anomaly within, which turns Bruce into the Hulk when he gets angry.For all the time spent on childhood traumas and harmful fathers and the dangers of technology and various forms of megalomania and our penchant for violence, for every moment in which I imagined the movie heading in the direction of "King Kong" or "Beauty and the Beast," it all ends up with seemingly invulnerable computer-generated creatures battling each other to the death on an otherworldly landscape. Where, exactly, is the humanity in that?The best comic-book movies -- "Spider-Man" and the two "X-Men" films -- work precisely because the heroes' super powers are extensions of their humanity and therefore comment upon our own. We never forget the real identities and real problems of these characters.But the Hulk isn't an extension of Bruce Banner so much as an alter ego, a split personality. Bruce is played by a human being. The Hulk is a figment of a computer's imagination.Frankly, he looks better on screen than I expected from the movie's trailer, which made the movie look cheesier than Velveeta. But the computer graphics are very uneven. The fakery is evident in some of the scenes showing the Hulk tossing around furniture, cars, tanks -- whatever's handy.In a scene featuring a fight with some genetically enhanced dogs, some of the mutts look more funny than scary. And when we get to see the Hulk transform back into Bruce Banner, he seems to be melting like the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz."It's all the more disointing because Lee does a remarkable job using split-screen techniques (evoking not only the panels of a comics page but also suggesting the split personality of his hero), fluid montages and visual shorthand to get through an unusually large amount of exposition -- wordlessly in many scenes.He almost achieves a haunting quality in the flashbacks and dream sequences that go back to Banner's childhood on a military base in a desert that symbolizes the emotional austerity of the characters. The psychological content, the deliberate pace and the intensity of some of the violence should give parents pause -- this is not a movie for young children.Still, you may he to resist the urge to giggle like a kid in scenes such as the one where the Hulk, pursued by military planes, catches a missile in midair, chews off the tip and throws it back at an aircraft, which falls clattering to the ground like a toy.Like the title character, "The Hulk" has a split personality of its own.


La La Land 的英文影评:

La La Land is an amazing film. The cast is excellent. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling shine in their roles. They're an absolute joy to watch! The story is pretty good. The whole time I watched the film I thought the story was really good, but not as unique as I hoped it'd be, but then the end came. The end...I he never seen that amazing of a finale in a musical. It totally made the story unique. I even cried at the end. I wished Mia and Seb had ended up together, but oh well! This is one of the best musicals I he ever seen. It's up there with Singin' in the Rain, The Sound of Music, Grease, Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, etc. This is an absolutely amazing film. I seriously he no flaws with the film. I love how this feels like a film made in the 1950's or 1960's! It is awesome. The music is my forite part of the film actually. I think Gosling and Stone he great voices. They're no Julie Andrews, but they're great! The Audition (The Fools Who Dream) song was one of the most beautiful things I he ever seen in a film, and definitely my forite scene in a film this year. The whole entire epilogue is also wonderful. I loved how this film also had a wide range in emotion. I cried, laughed, and smiled! The movie is amazing. Everyone, go see this film!

(Author: Jesse

29 December 2016, IMDB)


The night of blueberry 》movie review:The comprehensive reproduction time movie report way of king surname movie

Very sorry, Be the head of king's house 卫 department English movie is a faithful fan which watches his ll movies, in this cast hugely of 《 the night of blueberry 》 , I didn't find out any surprised and pleased.Can what to affirm BE, the film takes orders a king the surname style consistent romantic color and image characteristic, but if you the 裘 is virtuous ·洛 and promise pull ·琼斯 play of the role find job for 曼 jade body at the beam dynasty 伟 and piece, wills discover this basically is an American version of 《hey celebrate forest 》, 《the teddy boy is spreading 》etc. king surname movie of comprehensive reproduction.

《The night of blueberry 》BE launched with three type structure, the promise pulls ·Elizabeth of 琼斯 impersonation at from New York went to 孟菲 斯 again returned to for 300 days of New York, met an each color personage continuously in the itinerary, she is virtuous with 裘 ·the 洛 fortune upon is brokenhearted after of segment 1 emotion courier station.However in see the slice my biggest dou be, film middleman the emotion of the thing escaped from a western person customary reasonableness completely with frank, the promise pulls ·the 琼斯 is slowly hard to get away from brokenhearted shadow, even will run to his new sweetheart of before the window understanding thoroughly of the ex- male friend ……for this kind of typical model of king surname movie person relation, I am personal to feel this is director strong add to the western audience of a kind of form, also make me disoint very much to the film.

This front, I once listenned to someone call this movie however is king's house 卫 with work of identity is the foreign film producer company is a new product of the manufacturing, but actually, the film is from story to manuscript all from the king lead skill cannon system, can see an investment square from here to him


Where is the awe? Where is the sense that if dinosaurs really walked the earth, a film about them would be more than a monster movie? Where are the ooohs and ahhhs? ``The Lost World: Jurassic Park'' demonstrates even more clearly than ``Jurassic Park'' (1993) that the underlying material is so promising, it deserves a story not written on autopilot. Steven Spielberg, a gifted filmmaker, should he reimagined the material, should he seen it through the eyes of someone looking at dinosaurs, rather than through the eyes of someone looking at a box-office sequel.

The movie is well done from a technical viewpoint, yes. The dinosaurs look amazingly real, and we see them plunge into the midst of 360-degree action; a man on a motorcycle even rides between the legs of a running beast. It can be said that the creatures in this film transcend any visible signs of special effects and seem to walk the earth. But the same realism isn't brought to the human characters, who are bound by plot conventions and action formulas, and scripted to do stupid things so that they can be chased and sometimes eaten by the dinosaurs.

求经典美国**影评,最好是英文版的,中文也行,一个**最好有多个影评 发776900490,非常感谢了


Out of all the Disney movies I've seen,The Lion King is one of the most remarkable films of all time.The story was touching,the characters were unbelievable,and the music was beautiful.The actors were chosen rightly for their characters and their personalities.Though some of the scenes my be too intense and disturbing for younger children,it is still an outstanding movie.It's a great movie to share with the whole family.You'll laugh,you'll cry,you'll be amazed!It's a classic for years and years to come.


《肖申克的救赎》的英文影评 版本二邮件发给你

Though adapted from a Stephen King novella, "The Shawshank Redemption" has more to do with a man's internal demons than the kind that routinely rise up from overgrown greyards. Like "Stand by Me," it's not a typical story from the horror King. Instead, it's a devoutly old-fashioned, spiritually uplifting prison drama about two lifers who must break their emotional shackles before they can finally become free men.

Set in a spooky old penitentiary with turrets and towers, the movie manages to be true to its Big House origins while incorporating such horrific mainstays as the clanking of chains and the creaking of the walls. There's even a ren that roosts in the prison library, where he is cared for by a darling old trusty (James Whitmore). For the most part, however, the movie expands upon cliches that date back to James Cagney's prison portraits梩he twisted warden (Bob Gunton) and the sadistic guard (Clancy Brown).

Director Frank Darabont, who renticed on B-scripts ("The Fly II") and TV movies ("Buried Alive"), manages to fashion an improbable new pattern from the same old material in his remarkable debut. While he deals with the grimmest aspects of prison life (sadistic guards, gang rapes and befouled food), Darabont is chiefly interested in the 20-year friendship that sustains Andy (Tim Ros) and Red (Morgan Freeman) .

The movie opens in 1947 as Andy, a prominent New England banker, is on trial for murdering his wife and her lover. Not only did he he a motive, but he had the opportunity梙is footprints were found at the scene of the crime梐nd he had a weapon of the caliber used in the shootings. He insists that he is innocent, but the jury finds him guilty. Sentenced to life twice over, Andy is shipped to the maximum-security state prison at Shawshank, Maine. An introverted loner with an interest in reading, chess and rock carving, Andy doesn't make himself many friends until Red, a 30-year-veteran of the system, decides to take him under his wing.

Things begin to change for the better when Andy finds a way to use his skills and education to benefit his fellow felons. When he overhears the guard captain complaining about losing most of an inheritance to taxes, he offers to trade his advice for three beers for each of the men who are working with him that day tarring the roof.

His reputation as a financial adviser spreads, and soon he is doing the taxes for all the guards and running the warden's outside scams. This leads to a position in the tiny prison library, which Andy gradually expands into the best educational facility of its kind in the area. It takes him six years to do it, but Andy never gives up hope.

It is hope that allows the self-proclaimed innocent man to survive what may or may not be an unjust imprisonment. And hope is his gift to his friend Red, who no longer even tries to impress the parole board at his hearings. He's become "institutionalized," he explains to Andy, and would be a "nobody" on the outside.

Red's gift to Andy is absolution when he finally confesses his true sins. Whether or not he pulled the trigger, Andy blames himself for causing his wife's death; his redemption comes as he learns to give of himself over the course of this marvelously acted and directed film.

Ros gives a performance that evolves with beautiful clarity from starchy banker to warm and loving friend. Freeman is sure to gain his third Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Red. He also reads the film's lovely narration, much of it drawn verbatim from King's 1982 novella.

A detailed portrait of the routine of cellblock life, "The Shawshank Redemption" might change a few minds about the usefulness of incarceration in terms of rehabilitation. Mostly, though, it reminds us of that we all hold the keys to our own prisons.

《楚门的世界》英文影评The Truman Show'' is founded on an enormous secret that all of the studio's advertising has been determined to reveal. I didn't know the secret when I saw the film, and was able to enjoy the little dous and wonderings that the filmmakers so carefully planted. If by some good chance you do not know the secret, read no further.

Those fortunate audience members (I trust they he all left the room?) will be able to reciate the meticulous way director Peter Weir and writer Andrew Niccol he constructed a jigsaw plot around their central character, who doesn't suspect that he's living his entire life on live television. Yes, he lives in an improbably ideal world, but I fell for that: I assumed the movie was taking a sitcom view of life, in which neighbors greet each other over white picket fences, and Ozzie and Harriet are real people.

Actually, it's Seaside, a planned community on the Gulf Coast near Tampa. Called Seahen in the movie, it looks like a nice place to live. Certainly Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) doesn't know anything else. You accept the world you're given, the filmmakers suggest; more thoughtful viewers will get the buried message, which is that we accept almost everything in our lives without examining it very closely. When was the last time you reflected on how really odd a tree looks? Truman works as a sales executive at an insurance company, is hily married to Meryl (Laura Linney), and doesn't find it suspicious that she describes household products in the language of TV commercials. He is hy, in a way, but an uneasiness gnaws away at him. Something is missing, and he thinks perhaps he might find it in Fiji, where Lauren (Natascha McElhone), the only woman he really loved, allegedly has moved with her family.

Why did she lee so quickly? Perhaps because she was not a safe bet for Truman's world: The actress who played her (named Sylvia) developed real feeling and pity for Truman, and felt he should know the truth about his existence. Meryl, on the other hand, is a reliable pro (which raises the question, unanswered, of their life).

Truman's world is controlled by a TV producer named Christof (Ed Harris), whose control room is high in the artificial dome that provides the sky and horizon of Seahen. He discusses his programming on talk shows, and dismisses the protests of those (including Sylvia) who believe Truman is the victim of a cruel deception. Meanwhile, the whole world watches Truman's every move, and some viewers even lee the TV on all night, as he sleeps.

The trajectory of the screenplay is more or less inevitable: Truman must gradually realize the truth of his environment, and try to escape from it. It's clever the way he's kept on his island by implanted traumas about trel and water. As the story unfolds, however, we're not simply expected to follow it: We're invited to think about the implications. About a world in which modern communications make celebrity possible, and inhuman.

Until fairly recently, the only way you could become really famous was to be royalty, or a writer, actor, preacher or politician--and even then, most people had knowledge of you only through words or printed pictures.

Television, with its insatiable hunger for material, has made celebrities into ``content,'' devouring their lives and secrets. If you think ``The Truman Show'' is an exaggeration, reflect that Princess Diana lived under similar conditions from the day she became engaged to Charles.

Carrey is a surprisingly good choice to play Truman. We catch glimpses of his manic comic persona, just to make us comfortable with his presence in the character, but this is a well-planned performance; Carrey is on the right note as a guy raised to be liked and likable, who decides his life requires more risk and hardship. Like the angels in ``City of Angels,'' he'd like to take his chances.

Ed Harris also finds the right notes as Christof, the TV svengali. He uses the technospeak by which we distance ourselves from the real meanings of our words. (If TV producers ever spoke frankly about what they were really doing, they'd come across like Bulworth.) For Harris, the demands of the show take precedence over any other values, and if you think that's an exaggeration, tell it to the TV news people who broadcast that Los Angeles .

I enjoyed ``The Truman Show'' on its levels of comedy and drama; I liked Truman in the same way I liked Forrest Gump--because he was a good man, honest, and easy to sympathize with.

But the underlying ideas made the movie more than just entertainment. Like ``Gattaca,'' the previous film written by Niccol, it brings into focus the new values that technology is forcing on humanity.

Because we can engineer genetics, because we can telecast real lives--of course we must, right? But are these good things to do? The irony is, the people who will finally answer that question will be the very ones produced by the process.
