






Set in the late 13th century, 'Breheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule...

Crucially charismatic in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors...

Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen... Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country... In fact, the Scottish leaders are in for of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes... Wallace, by comparison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous... He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,' but as much as he railed against the Scottish nobles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne—Robert, the Earl of Bruce—to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them.' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princess Isabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps...

Catherine McCormack is a stunning beauty who ignites Wallace's revolution...

Patrick McGoohan is chilling, brutal, and vicious as the ruthless Edward I, known by the nickname 'Longshanks.' This king remains simply the embodiment of evil...

While Angus McFadyen moves as a nobleman torn between his conscience and political aspiration, and Brendan Gleeson brings strength and humor to his role as the robust Hamish, Did O'Hara is very effective as the crazy Irishman who provides much of the film's comic relief from even the most tensed moments...

Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Breheart.' It is a motion picture that dares to be excessive... Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films) even excessively, and it is his passion and excess that make the motion picture great... The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand combats are exciting rather repulsive... It is epic film-making at its glorious best...

Gibson's 'Breheart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression...

设置在13世纪晚期, '勇敢'的故事之一,苏格兰最大的民族英雄威廉华莱士先生。***在苏格兰抵抗力量在头几年的长期,最终成功的斗争,免费苏格兰从英语的规则...


华莱士的革命是一套在议案,以极大的障碍,从他的同胞...许多苏格兰贵族借给他只勉强支持他们大多更关心财富和职称比自由国家...事实上,在苏格兰的***都在主张反抗-或不依赖于英语受贿...华莱士,相比之下,是一名男子的荣誉,廉洁和正义...他被封爵,并宣布'监护人和高保护者的苏格兰' ,但高达轨道,他对苏格兰贵族,提交给爱德华一世,英格兰国王,他感到很惊讶,并在休克发现奸诈的领导逍遥法外的竞争者为宝座-罗伯特,伯爵布鲁斯-向谁,他confided , 『人会跟着你,如果你只会导致他们。梁刘柔芬marceau是精美的作为痛心公主伊莎贝拉,法国谁最终堕入爱河与华莱士,警告他的几个陷阱...


帕特里克mcgoohan是令人心寒的,残暴,恶毒,因为无情的爱德华一世,众所周知的昵称' longshanks 。这国王仍然是简单的体现,邪恶...


梅尔吉勃逊有理由感到自豪'勇敢的。这是一项议案,,敢过分...吉布森介绍了,最令人印象深刻的战斗spaciously (尚未上演的**) ,甚至过分,这是他的热情和过剩,使议案的伟大...恐怖和徒劳的集结手,以第一手作战都是令人振奋的,而不是令人厌恶的...这是史诗**制作在其辉煌的最佳...




“I’d rather keep alone as an old maid than become a sorrowful wife,” said Mrs. Lima Joe to Jon in the movie A Little Lady. Jane Os at last chose to keep unmarried earing light-hearted. However, we could vaguely read a bit of coolness in Pride and Prejudice. In Jane Os, we could find a scene, in which a girl is walking lonely, with breeze blowing up her black dress, and her graceful charm attracts me deeply.

Let alone the content, let us begin with the movie itself. I he been fond of this movie all the time, which is still and desirable. One word to describe the movie is finesse with the rural villas comfortable, still, leisurely; the forest lush green; the air fresh and clean. The picture and characters are so fine that I seem to step into it to feel the hiness and sorrow with Jane. The music sounds beautiful and permeates into our heart.

There is no too much flowing rhythm in the story and the story itself is far from soul-stirring. The life in the country is as it used to, the English-style storied buildings are refined, not making widely known, and also the rural balls and the scenery he not too many things for the eye to take in. Nevertheless, all these can be make one feel gentle and kind but not bustling.

The Annie H in the movie is my forite figure as well. I once saw an another her in the movie Fiend Wearing PRADA. I am surprised to find both of the es are independent, firm and tenacious, thoughtful females.

Then let me to mention the content of the movie. I always like a story with a hy ending, so I am fond of Pride and Prejudice and fond of Elisabeth. Yet, Jane is an exception. She has written six love works handed down to world, but she is a single lady all her life. I am not willing to describer her as a “remnant lady”, for she is qualified to request her perfect love.


Os believes people should own a beautiful love in life, and love should be an roach to link culture and tell words from hearts to each other. Dull-looking Wales cannot satisfy Os’s demand, for he is so formal, always steps on her tiptoe when dancing, make a full exhibition of himself when playing Golf, and ears a yes-man even proposing marriage to her. What is only can be mentioned is his considerable income and the inheritor of his aunt’s property. Os squints towards the later In the face of property and love; and between emotion and sense, the later is defeated by the former.

As to her emotion to Tom, there is no final reunion result between them as there is between Elisabeth and Darcy. What Os has chosen is to give up for the sake of considering Tom’s fame. I find that when Tom brings Jane to elope, I he felt it is how pleased with my beloved. However, to love does not mean to occupy. As we he learned Tom names his firstborn daughter as Jane, we understand Os has never drawn back half a step because of lack of love.

Becoming Jane is one of my forite movies. I cannot bear seeing it the second time, because it is an elaborate sculptured one for us to taste. Whereas, this movie has made me never forget all the time, and I want to be “becoming myself” among the business and noises as it wants to be.


《Forrest gump》(阿甘正传)

Life is like all kinds of chocolate, you never know which belongs to you. "Gump mother's words, told us: everyone's life is there, and it is unique. Forrest gump, is listening to such teachings, one step at a time to step out of his own miracle of life. From IQ only 75 points, to go to special schools, to football athletes, to the Vietnam war hero, the shrimp boat captain, to go around the United States, forrest gump dependde on his birth defects, achieved many intelligent people maybe a lifetime also highly difficult to achieve.



简爱 Jane Eyre review by Heather

I was hesitant at first,but now I am truly hooked. As I waited patiently for each hour of more Jane, I grew to admire the way the book was handled. Yes, much of Jane's past is missing, but what is there is captivating. Georgie Henley is scarily mature - more than she has a right to be - and her understanding of young Jane's grity and passion was wonderfully portrayed.

When Ruth Wilson took the scene, I didn't see at first how she was the unearthly Jane I had read. But it became clearer and clearer, and by far she is the most human and understandable Jane yet. Her face speaks volumes as she says nothing. "That face," comments Toby Stephens' Rochester. It is true. Though we see her silent face many times, we he no problem guessing exactly what she is feeling.

At first, I thought Toby was disointing. I quite liked the sarcasm of William Hurt in the 1996 version, and Mr. Stephens seemed more brash than sarcastic, more flirting than teasing. But it was the chemistry that quite obviously grew between these two characters that has solidified Toby Stephens as Edward Fairfax Rochester for me. For the first time in a movie version, I realized how much the two had become friends first, and then soul mates.

Two other things were handled extraordinarily. The and the scary. From dark corridors and floating candles, burning beds, portraits of mad people and blood dripping, Susanna White got her Gothic right. It is almost a ghost story. This suspense keeps the story from being overly lovey-dovey, and shows a real contrast between the white taffeta-covered aristocracy, and the darkly-clad Jane in Rochester's dim study.

As for the X factor, this is not Jane Austen. Women can he conversations with men alone in rooms. Dark-haired, exotic beauties can seduce with a look, cheat with a smile and sin the world round. All of it is not afraid to show up in this version. Rochester and Jane's connection, displayed quite innocently and platonic in some versions, blazes with passion in this. The flashbacks in the final hour of series are some of the steamiest and most emotionally charged parts of this production.

It's heart-warming, passionate, suspenseful, full of beautiful scenery and costuming; all in all, a whole 4 hours of excellent entertainment. Don't miss out.




"I hear that It has a speed of 5 cm per second."


"Cherry blossom falls at a speet of 5 cm per second."

Standing at a crossing under the sun,Takaki Tōno stared at the high-speed train before him.It seemed that he had seen a shadowy figure of Akari Shinohara through the train window that flashes, who stood right in front with a pink umbrella.The cherry blossoms were flying indistinctly and slowly, just like the dessert after drinking tea, which tastes sweet in the bitter.

That year, Takak was ten.

Her lips are warm and soft which nearly melt his heart. Original surprise and subsequent hesitation are succeeded by a feeling of comforting peace. Just like fingers ran gently over the petals, warmth full of my heart. Neither The sound of snow falling from trees nor the whisper of the wind pass by makes the boy open his eyes. It’s the very place where his heart, spirit and all other deepest sentiment live. He believes that even if the long awful time and space, nothing could separate him from this place.

That year, Takak was thir.

The fury of the roar, the towering clouds of water vapor column, even the thunder fires used by gods to tear the canopy could be inferior. Takak keeps looking up at the sky, fascinated, paying no attention to the soreness of his neck and the girl by him who nearly dropped a tear. Oh ,that is a distant journey which has to be told in light years, a lonely journey that will never meet a hydrogen atom. Long enough just like thousands if nights when I’m alone, the Deer Island is as bright as the sky of city with colorful lights while glow-worm light r of phone screen in contrast. Messages without a receiver he not been seen or been heard of, like the sick letter which missed in the cold wind at the year of 13 and words that hen’t been told to the girl who is about to go in a leing train.

That year, Takak was 17.

Standing at a crossing under the sun, Takaki Tōno stared at the high-speed train before him.It seemed that he had seen a shadowy figure of Akari Shinohara through the train window that flashes, who stood right in front with a pink umbrella.The cherry blossoms were flying indistinctly and slowly, just like the dessert after drinking tea, which tastes sweet in the bitter. All of this, with how is similar what hened at the year of 13. Not until the airflow lifted up by train disears, he found nobody in the other side of the crossroad.

That year, Takak was 27.

That’s the story Xin Haicheng shared with us in A chain stories about distance, which tells the growth of a boy, much like our own memories hidden inside. As Xin said in the interview, we try our best to play the common life and less dramaticism. It also shows the different emotions of the earth ,and the beauty of the world. We record the real scenes with cartridges so as to make it look more realistic. Each of us once was Takak,or Akari more or less. Part of our experience become lively to be Takak and Akari on the screen.

The film has a suitle A chain stories about distanc. Our life inevitably faces distance of time and space and the following distance of emotion. Ruthless time and space will

consistently reduce our efforts or possibility on strive to break the distance and when we get used to the distance, we are part of it. After finishing watching the film for the first time, I map the sad feelings into a coincidence,such as Takak ‘s letter taken by the wind,or the untimely train at the end. And combined with the suitles, we can find that they are all metaphorical carrier for"distance" by Xin. Both the emotion which can only be held by thin writing paper,and meeting that cut off by passing train are paper ships drifting in the long river of time. They can temporarily floating on the surface of the water, toward the distant sea, but eventually will be dispersed in the chaos of the water.

We know the fact well, but could do nothing. We want to fight against only find all these efforts are in vain just like Florida’s endless slery. Thouth we cannot escape from the passage of time, we can remember something. We want to tell people that they arehere, and shouting in the fact that I do here. This is the reason why the film moves us. In front of the problems that cannot be resolved, we he to make such a fantasy to keep living.

Maybe living with a speed of five cm per second, I will meet you again.


Comment on Shawshank Redeem

Preface :Shawshank Redeem is a movie which reflect the unjustice in American law system.Leading charactoer in this film Andy is a exchange prisoner in Shawshank .He know this is a world that full of ridiculous ,black and white are reverse .Because he know he si innocent .But he he no complain much about his fate .He just adopt it quiet .The big life divide didn’t make him psychorrhexis ,anxiety .Nomatter being harassed by homoual in prison or the violence of jail ,he shoe himself like quiet ,tolorance .Just like his best friend in prison said ,he stroll in yard leisurely ,just like in a park .We must be curious that why Andy can be so calm and leisurely in such a inhumarity place .In my opinion ,cause he live in a real profane world and a ideal hope world .But the most important invention important thing is nous ,the strong point of balancing the real and ideality between the two world .As a social man ,Andy sparkplug a reasonnable ,responsible life style according to a concept of rational and selfdiscipline .In prison , he can adapt to one of the daily life ,complete fixed work, meal on time to rest, let in fresh air.And at the same time ,he can keep his hobby ,get mallet from Red to curve stone .Thought he violate prison rules and is took into custody two weeks ,he can still being immerse in the beautiful melody of THE MARIE OF FIGARO.The director use this limited time of music to reflect transcendality in Andy’s inner mental world .At this point ,we can find that the aesthetic expression function of music disrupt the jail’s cruel despotism and the absence of ethics .When prisoners are touched by the beautiful melody and look back to the loudspeaker ,the film show us that under the constrain of prison system ,people he a eager to renew their living experience from the moribund ,usual institution form.From another angle ,Andy is living in a eager of freedom ,and hope to live in a nice world which exist in outside of reality .“Thought we he no wing ,we can’t give up our dream of flying .”this is his maxim in his life .Thus ,in this case film wecan find that Andy treat nous as his pursuit ,but what he really belongs to is a world that full of imaging and freedom .this is the real world he long for .And this the real meaning that Andy realize his redeem and leisure .

Background :This is a film about a secret heppened in 1 946.Andy ,a banker ,was charged for murdurede his wife and her lover with gun after he drunk .Andy got life ,which mean that he will spend the rest of his life in prison .Red,a lifers in 1 927 for murdur,and never succeed for release on parole .He has been an authority in Shawshank jail .As long as enough money you possess ,then he can get anything that you want .Everyone in jail will bet on the new comers to Shawshank for which one will cry first .Red thought Andy will cry first ,because Andy was so weak and like a egghead .But unfortunately ,Andy made him disointed at last .But this made Red pay special regard to Andy .At first ,Andy was a silent man ,he didn’t talk much and just stroll in yard .The first word he speak to Red is to ask him to find a hammer for him ,which help him to past of time in prison .Besides ,Andy had a hard time at the first two years .But he got a chance to shoe his strong piont on tax .This chance not only make him get over that hard time and make friends with Red and others ,but also make him protect by jailers .As time goes by ,Andy became a tool for warden to launder and a library builed by Andy .But a coinsidence chance make him realize that he was really innocent .But the warden prevent him to lee the jail .Andy finaly escape the jail to Macxico .And the warden was lay open by Andy .Red was conditional relaese and go to live on with Andy .It is a hy ending .

Theme :I still can remember a dialog about hope .They talk about music at first .Red doesn’t agree with Andy’s thought .Andy said :forget that there are places in this world in the world that are not made out of stone,that there’s something inside that they can’t get to ,they can’t touch .It is yours ----hope .What Andy does seems unworthy to Red and other prisoners in the first place because they he rather different perception of life in prison .To Andy ,music is not only something beautiful and enjoyable ,but soenthing that can give him a taste of freedom and hope as well .Enjoying music is a way he uses to affirm both others and himself that he has not cease his hope for freedom .However ,Red and others he almost give up .Losing taste for music ,Red has long believed that freedom is beyond theirn reach and hope can only make them can ever more frustrated .It is a tragedy that a person live withot hope ,just like a walking corpse and running flesh ----a dead-alive person .In this film has mention the Institutionlized several times .We can find one scene in the movie.That is Red’s word : I find these walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized. Jail has constrained convicts’s body and spirit .This kind of institutionalized convicts .They he no hope .Once they are go back to society ,they can’t adjust themslves to it .They afraid ,frustrated ,dismay ;discriminated by others .Just like old Brooks who had been in prison for 50 years,when he was release from jail ,he give up all hope and commited at last. He is a tragedy of institutionalized .GET BUSY LIVING OR GET BUSY DYING .This is Andy said .Shawshank make life into a cruel choice .We must choose one of them . We must belive ourselves ,never give up ,waiting for our glory that belong to us .This is Shawshank redeem .

“Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright.”Red raise Andy .Yes, Andy is a bird which can’t restrain him .He never give up to strive for freedom .So he uses a mallet to chisel an enterclose to freedom which cost most of his life .So he always nerved ,and build up a library for himself and his inmate’s freedom in mind .So he make use of his intelligence to fight with evil warden ,and beat him at last. Andy told us never give up whatever difficult we face ,and keep our faith . A strong man can se himself, a great man can se another.Andy done it .He se himself at last .And he se Red ,se American justice under law ,se his inmates .Thought he is a scholar ,he is stronger than others .He is a great man.

Another theme we can’t miss ----the great friendship between Red and Andy .Because Red ,Andy can he a safe condition in prison and get things that he need .Because Andy ,Red can relaese from his past guilt.He get a salvation both in his mind and his future life . Just a few common dialog, he become eternal promise. The friendship between the two people is not only a star picture , but also greatly still mean intention of precious books, address of the stone. Because these simple thing, let us enjoy in particularly hard prison life, support each other, help each other and encourage each other of friendship. lthough this does not consider as what, but because of the special environment, more let a person experience it very precious. Film end, when two friends meet first, two hey smile carefree really make the person extremely envy.because that smile full from Heen to Earth,and full of neverending hope in human’s mind .

Conflict :This film full of conflict.Husband and wife ,innocent and guilty ,justice and evil ,freedom and restrain ,hope and hopeless ,loyal ang deceitful ,institutionalized and freedom, and so on .these conflict run through all the movie .But we can conclude into three points :thematic paradox , consciousness paradox and philosophy paradox .At the beginning of this film ,ear such scene :a drunk man in a car ,court questioning …These scenes confuse us .Then a lawyer’s relaxed conclution :Andy ,the banker ,because his wife had relationship with other guy ,so he killed them after he drunk .But the director don’t tell the truth at the beginning .When Red ask Andy the reson he was prosecuted ,Andy said he is innocent .Make us rebuild our dou ,at the same time continue relief the thematic paradox .The reaction of Red after listenning these words is “everyone in jail are innocent ”.But as Tomy’s coming ,we know that Andy has tell the truth .At the same as time ,Tomy ,whi be loyal to to God ,is kill by the hypocritical warden.This show the paradox “the guity person is innocent ”.A lawexecutor shoud be justice but what the warden is doing is so evil ,he kill Tomy who he just got the diploma and hoping to be a lawabiding person .This enforce the thematic paradox .

When we first watching this movie ,we would find that lust come with give up .The warden is lure by money .He make money in relaxed .He become a solitude and swanky ,he want to conquer everything .And he own them .In a place of male ,the “three sister” unable to extinguish the flame burning ual desire .Let off with stimulus and violence .Then they own the cure body and the body can not let off in prison ,they fill enough .But the director is so cruel ,he make the warden give up money which was drawed by Andy ,and commited .The homoual is crippled ,he give up bugerry .But even abandon the chance of enjoyment.On the other hand ,Red give up the thought of commited siucide cause by the discomfort of freedom .He got reborn .Andy give up to build the garden-like prison and give up to using legal to redress .He lee ,and own the fresh air beside sea and freedom .

The paradox of philosophy is take over at last .The sun after sunset is stress by the director at the end of movie .It show us severe and deep the paradox between possibility and impossibility .It explain this thesis in the following examples :Tomy shuoldn’t he pass the exam ,but he do it ;the person Andy create shouldn’t be exist ,but Andy make it ;after old Brooks be free ,he should he a comefortable life ,but because of diversity element ,he can’t .What I think is impossible is Andy’s mallet .He use this tool chisel a tunnel to freedom after decades .

Postscript :You will face many difficult position ,how to choose?Sometimes the choice may mean death ,but sometimes are not .When you are facing hopeless situation ,you must chose to this :keep busy living or busy dying .Sometimes when you facing such situation ,what you should do is to wait or stand . Actualy ,everyone has a endless power ,it is your potential .There are not defference .What the defference is how you use them .

No hope ever die .The film tell us that we should keep hope in our life whatever obstacle in front of us .And we will never fail .To choose a life style ,which will make never confuse in your daily life .Keep busy living ,you will feel hiness full of your mind and your family .Just do it.


It's a really heart-warming story of 1900. The legend of 1900 tells a gifted pianist who has never lee a ship but created a legendary life.As far as I am concerned,it is 1900 who gives piano living characteristic,piano is 1900's whole life,and 1900 is piano's soul.I don't know why 1900 didn't want to lee the ship,perhaps,it's his fate to accompany the big big sea,the sea is also a part of his life.1900's first love just like candy but with a little bit bitterness,he is too shy to show his love.As for friendship,he is lucky enough to meet a bosom friend,which us everyone want forever.besides,I love the main music in the film,it contains something of hopeness,sweety,but desolation.When I heard it,my tears fell…

The Lion King

The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love, castigates evil and conspiracy, shows respect to the principle of the circle of life, and discloses a philosophy of the whole life. After viewing the film, I would like to share my impressions of this moving animation from the notes taken in the class here.

1 Blood is thicker than water

This proverb is embodied thoroughly in this movie. Simba grows up with the company of his parents' love. His mother Sarabi is gentle and elegant. Although she is not mentioned frequently in the movie, but the audience can infer that Simba' s good manner is owe to her utmost care. While Simba' s father Mufasa is serious and mighty. He teaches his son skills to survive – such as pouncing – and principle which would be useful to Simba in his whole life, such as" There' s more to being a king than getting your way all the time. " " As a king, you need to understand that balance of life and respect all the creatures." " Being bre doesn’t mean looking for trouble" and so on. Once realizing Simba is in danger, Mufasa will run to rescue his son immediately. I Believe that most of whom he seen the movie will be moved by this scene: Mufasa runs to the gorge and ses Simba from being trampled to death by the stampeding wildebeests, he leaps and dodges, comes close to Simba, holds him in mouth and puts his son in a safer place. But when he claws himself up the steep cliff side and tries to get on, he is pushed back down into the gorge by Scar and died. What makes Mufasa ignore the danger coming to him and run to rescue his son? What makes the audience so moved and can' t help tearing? Yes, it is the love of Mufasa, the truly and deeply love which is willing to be given but for no feedback from a great father.

2 A friend in need is a friend indeed

Simba is in a loss after his father' s death. He runs away from the pride lands and faints from exhaustion on an open plain. Fortunately, Pumbaa and Timon se him just in time. They carry Simba to a shady place and wait until the lion cub comes to, and then they keep Simba in their place and share their problem- free philosophy with him, just as Timon tells Simba" You should put your past behind you”. So the phrase" Hakuna Matata" helps Simba to release from depression and self- condemning, and their friendship makes Simba live hily there. Then Simba' s another friend- Rafiki ears, he is glad to see Simba is still alive, but at the same time, he also hopes Simba to exert himself and take the responsibility to be the king again. So one day, Rafiki finds Simba and leads Simba deep into the forest .He helps Simba to" see" his father. The lion cub is inspired by the late king, and clears the puzzle in his heart. Rafiki also conducts Simba to find a way to future and to take his responsibility that owes to him. " The past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it." Simba chooses the latter and goes back to his kingdom to challenge Scar. Surely his loyal friends-Timon, Pumbaa and Rafiki-all gather to help him, just as Timon says: " If it' s important to you, we' re with you till the end." They fight brely, and defeat the evil Scar, clear the path for Simba to be crowned king of Pride Rock at last. Conclusion can be drawn that it is the firm friendship that supports Simba, makes him feel that he is not alone, gives him strength and helps him to triumph.

3 The spirit of looking back brely and forward hopefully

Before the truth uncovered, Simba thinks he himself leads to his father’s death .He runs out of pride land, and runs from the past as well .The voice of himself “What would it prove anyway? It won’t change anything .You can’t change the past” dwelt on in his mind. But under the help of Rafiki, Simba finally knows that he doesn’t he to change the past. Since it had already hened, it’s no use to regrets doing it, the wise way is just let it be, but not forgetting the experience gained from it. So his Father’s words “You are more than what you he become .You must take your place in the circle of life” rekindle in Simba a long forgotten ambition to rule, finally he faces his past brely, gets the sense of responsibility and goes back to fight for his kingdom with the help of his loyal company .The lion king’s rough experience inspire me a lot. Surely, there are indeed many things that makes us feel painful and fearful, but once they hened, they need to be faced up instead of being oided. What we should do is to make a deep thought and decision about how to take the next positive step. Maybe it will takes a long, hard time to make them, but it doesn’t matter, because oiding reality only means burdening one’s soul and constraining one’s courage. Human beings need to go ahead because there will be wilder prospects waiting to be explored .The past maybe hey and gray, but the future is bound to be hopeful and bright-as long as you unload burden, pick up the spirit of “laughing in the face of difficulty” and greet future positively and aggressively .So no matter how long the pain would last, you should remember not to let the pain disturb your normal and daily life too much, just arrange the mind and take the first step brely, then you will finally conquer the difficulties and find you yourself he already stepped out of the gray past and stride forward into the indefinite but surely hopeful future.
