
2.my fourite film -Transformers英语作文



5.变形金刚2 剧情介绍英语翻译


简介1: Five years after the Decepticons' invasion of Chicago, Autobots are granted sanctuary. Feared by the humanity as a threat, they are secretly hunted down by Cemetery Wind, an elite CIA unit, with the help of a transformer bounty hunter named Lockdown. Since the ambush that caused his injury, Optimus has lost his faith in humanity. Cade, a mechanic, helps him to recover and convinces him to reconsider his faith in humanity. Together with his family, Cade join the Autobots to fight against Cemetery Wind, Lock down, and Galvatron (the reincarnated Megatron).


简介2: Five years after the Decepticons' invasion of Chicago, and humanity has grown fearful of Transformers. Although Autobots are officially granted sanctuary, they are secretly hunted down by Cemetery Wind, an elite CIA black operation unit, with the help of a transformer bounty hunter named Lockdown. They ambush and brutally kill most of the Autobots, while their primary target, Optimus Prime, is still hiding somewhere after sustaining serious injuries after an ambush.

Cade Yeager, a struggling inventor and a "robotics expert", buys an old truck in an attempt to salvage some money. Upon examining it, he discovers that the truck is the injured Optimus Prime and repairs him after unexpectedly bringing him back to life.

After locating Optimus, Cemetery Wind and Lockdown trel to Texas to confront Cade. Optimus comes out of hiding and helps Cade and his friends to escape. Cade hacks into a drone that he took from the attack, and he finds the footage of the ambush and the death of Ratchet and Leadfoot, who are also Optimus Prime's companions. He then learns that Cemetery Wind is working with a robotic corporation called Kinetic Solutions Incorporated (KSI). They, together with Optimus Prime's companion Autobots, decide to infiltrate KSI headquarters in Chicago for information.

It turns out that KSI captured and imprisoned Brains, a transformer who survived the Battle of Chicago. They use Brains to decode dead Transformers and utilize the data for human-created Transformers. Using data gathered from the remains of Megatron, they create Galvatron as their next-generation Transformer. It turns out Galvatron is the reincarnated Megatron, who has been manipulating KSI to build more Decepticons to wipe out humanity. He activates by himself and infects all KSI transformer prototypes to start wiping out humanity. After a series of fights, Galvatron, who is the only survivor, retreats. He vows to return another day.





What I've done

In this farewell,


There is no blood,


There is no alibi,


Cause I’ve drawn regret,From the truth, Of a thousands lies,


So let mercy come and wash away…


What I’ve Done,I’ll face myself,


To cross out what I’ve become,Erase myself,


And let go of what I’ve done…


Put to rest,


What you thought of me,While I clean this slate,With the hands,Of uncertainty,


So let mercy come,And wash away…


What I’ve Done,I’ll face myself,


To cross out what I’ve become,Erase myself,


And let go of what I’ve done…


For what I’ve done,I start again,


And whatever pain may come,


Today this ends,


I’m forgiving what I’ve done…


I’ll face myself,To cross out what I’ve become, Erase myself,


And let go of what I’ve done…


(Na,Na,Na) [Mike Shinoda!]

What I’ve Done,

What I’ve Done,

Forgiving what I’ve done…


I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me / 我忆起乌云满天,四下里电闪雷鸣

I remembered each flash as time began to blur / 我忆起每个瞬间,岁月恍惚而过

Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me / 这凶兆惊现,终不能逃脱这厄运

And your voice was all I heard / 只能听到你在说

That I get what I deserve / 我这是罪有应得

So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊

Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between / 给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies / 让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸

Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线

There was nothing in sight, but memories left abandoned / 眼前一片漆黑,而记忆也尘封已久

There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow / 没有藏身之所,灰烬飞扬如雪

And the ground ced in between where we were standing / 在你我之间,天已崩塌地已陷

And your voice was all I heard / 只能听到你在说

That I get what I deserve / 我这是罪有应得

So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊

Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线

In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny / 每一次损失,每一次谎言,每个真相你都会否认

And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide / 每次反悔,每次分开,都已错到无可抵赖

And your voice was all I heard / 只能听到你在说

That I get what I deserve / 我这是罪有应得

So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean / 给我个理由,证明我错,将所有记忆涤清

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes / 让洪流飞越你眼里的深渊

Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between / 给我理由,填满豁口,将这断路铺平

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies / 让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸

Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线

Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线

Across this new divide / 跨越这新阵线

my fourite film -Transformers英语作文

Before time began.There was the cube.We know not where it comes from.Only that it holds the power to create worlds.And few of them with life.That is how our race was born.For a time,we lived in homony.But allow our go in great power.Some wanted for good.Others for evil,and so began the war,a war that reveraged our planet until that it was consumed by death.And the cube was lost to the far reachest of the space.We scattered across the galaxy,hoping to find it and rebuild our home,searching every star,every world.And just when our hope seemed to be lost.Messege of a new discovery to us to a non-known planet called,Earth!


my fourite movie is Transformers. It is so cool. If you hen't watched it, I don't think there is anything I can talk with you. But if you he watched it already, I don't think it is necessary to discribe it for you.




变形金刚2 剧情介绍英语翻译

《蜘蛛侠3》 "Spider-Man 3" to the large American-style American justice line, Starsand Stripes provides some background under a continuation of thistradition. Director of the Song and Dance Drama introduction of anumber of elements to make the movie tough transition soft lines. Butmany of them still exposed the inadequacies, such as the introductionof the three opponents make films delicate enough. Although the threeopponents makes the selling point of the film rich enough to describethe convincing. May is a long-time director of the restrictions onexpression, that is to be regretted. The feelings expressed in thedrama, the drama pm, because shear. Make no feelings lines, "Spider-Man2" high. Directors may wish to use Parker and Harry's friendshipelements to complement this part, it is regrettable that these werepart of human nature to hide. After all, more than two hours offilm shear Association inevitable lot of directors was reluctant to cutoff part. Oh, the film overall is very strong. It should be said thatthe main thrust of expression is very delicate, very chewing head.Rhythm is still continuation of a rapid tradition. The taste is worthcareful film. 《蜘蛛侠3》继续了美式大片美国式的正义路线,星条旗下的背影延续了这个传统。导演引入了一些歌舞剧的的元素力求使得影片硬朗的线条变的柔和。但当中还是露出很多的不足,比如三个敌手的引入使得影片的细腻不够。虽然三个敌手使得**的卖点丰富,可刻画的不够有说服力。可能是片长的时间限制了导演的表达,可不得不说是个遗憾。在感情戏的表达方面,戏分被剪切的所剩无几。使得感情线路没有《蜘蛛侠2》的饱满。可能导演希望用帕克和哈里的友谊元素来补充这部分,但是很遗憾这些被人性的部分给掩盖了。 Se jie (Lust, Caution) (Venice 2007) 影评《色戒》 因为字数限制,只贴网址给你: ://.mtime/my/shengzi/blog/583312/ 《变形金刚2》这个之前有人翻译了 ://wenwen.soso/z/q143481879.htm
